Ultra-Lyte On Surfaces

Surface Disinfection and Sanitization

The application of HOCl Ultra-Lyte solutions on working surfaces, processing equipment, walls, floors, etc., assures that bacteria and other microorganisms are mitigated on those surfaces.  This is true of for boots, aprons, gloves and other apparel typically worn in food processing or preparation areas.  Ultra-Lyte Degreaser, when applied to hard surfaces, removes the organic load, which is the protecting barrier, and food source for growth of micro-organisms, and when followed by a surface treatment with Ultra-Lyte Disinfectant, bacteria are effectively killed.

Ultra-Lyte makes an excellent sanitizing agent for cleaning surfaces, utensils and more.  Our ability to control the pH of the Ultra-Lyte solutions allows for selecting and producing the type of solution needed, making the process even more unique.

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