Our website address is: http://restructuredwater.info.
We respect your privacy. Seabreeze Water Systems respects and values your privacy. No personal information collected during your use of this site will be shared. Personal information collected from you is submitted with your knowledge and consent. Seabreeze Water Systems will only use that information to provide a more customized service to you.
Seabreeze Water Systems will not, without permission, sell, disclose or provide ANY information, including your name, address, e-mail address or other personal information to any third party, unless otherwise required as a matter of law.
We use industry-standard SSL encryption when transferring and receiving customer data exchanged through our site server.
All other data transfer is conducted through a secure phone line.
No! We respect your privacy and will not sell or distribute customer information unless otherwise required by matter of law.
Should you choose to take advantage of any posted in-store specials, or shop-on-line features of this Web Site, further information such as the credit card used as a method of payment for goods and services may be necessary when transferring and receiving customer data exchanged through our site server. All other data transfer is conducted through a secure phone line.
We use industry-standard SSL encryption to provide state of the art security and encryption devices for protecting your payment information.
Seabreeze Water Systems, as site service provider, its employees, directors, and investors are to be held harmless from any and all liability regarding any misuse of credit card information provided for the fulfillment of Seabreeze Water Systems on-line store feature.