Ultra-Lyte HOCl Disinfectant 500 ppm (4-litre jug) $60

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Product Details

Seabreeze Ultra-lyte disinfectant is a safe and natural disinfectant produced from natural ingredients, salt and water, through a complex method of electrolysis. This full-strength Disinfectant is safe around children, the elderly, and pets. It is recommended for household, Institutional, Nursing Homes, Care Homes, Medical Facilities, Commercial, and Industrial settings as well as the Food Service Industry.

Suggested uses: counter tops, cabinets, bathrooms, door handles, fridges, toys, walls, doors, desks, chairs, and all hard non porous surfaces…

100% 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
A full refund will be given if the product is returned within 30 days.

Product label may be different than shown due to new labeling requirements. Please contact us if you have any questions... 866 322-4455

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Ultra-Lyte HOCl Disinfectant 500 ppm (4-litre jug) $60
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